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Posts by category
- Category: 2D digital art
- Portfolio
- Tension
- Unity
- Co-evolution
- The Large Print
- Quick masking
- Multiples
- Cloning
- Graphic units
- Need to bleed
- Exquisite Corpse: Round robin
- Layering in an Exquisite Corpse collage
- Tonal scale
- Scanogram
- Exquisite Corpse: drawing as collage
- Mandala of the Elements
- Color relativity
- Euclid
- Digital color
- Geometry, color, meaning
- The Neverending Story
- Variations
- Exquisite corpse
- Mandala
- Line art
- Blackbird
- Type drawing
- Grid systems
- Gestalt praxis
- Gestalt theory
- Looking
- 13 ways
- rrDNA
- Fair use
- Dynamic
- Slideware
- Graphic Design: the New Basics
- In the cloud
- Readymade
- Category: 3D modeling
- Possible World II: entity
- Three kinds of rig
- Possible World I: environment
- World building
- Three kinds of map
- Production folder
- Keep it simple
- Concatenation
- 3D modeling: Fabrication
- Looking glass
- Material culture
- 3D modeling: Nine square grid
- Alternate realities
- Mondrianimation
- Ball drop
- This is not a non-objective object
- 3D modeling: LinkedIn Learning tutorials
- Entities
- Environments
- Elements
- Essentials
- 3D modeling: parallelUniverses
- Category: 4d media
- microFilm
- 4D media: References
- (re)Animate
- Interactivity
- Pacing
- Rhythm
- javaScript
- flipBook
- The death of Flash
- .code {is: poetry;}
- marinettiJS
- marinettiCSS
- videoMashHTML
- helloWorld
- sftp
- webOrigins
- ABCnimation
- webAnimation
- wordImages
- webGraphics
- fileTypes
- eTypography
- alphaBravo
- veryInteresting
- artMachine
- concretePoetry
- a2Z
- Category: Artwork
- Category: Exercises
- Category: Fabbing
- Category: parallelUniverses
- postScript — The New Art Universe
- PART 5 — readMe
- CHAPTER 21 — D.I.Y. and Digital Democratization
- Chapter 20 — Beyond Modeling: Presentation
- CHAPTER 19 — Managing a Project
- CHAPTER 18 — A Hierarchy of Modeling
- PART 4 — Metaphors to Making
- PART 3 — Material through Geometry
- CHAPTER 7 — Optical Visual Elements
- CHAPTER 13 — Metaphors to Drawing
- CHAPTER 5 — Visual Elements II: Volume
- CHAPTER 14 — Metaphors to Sculpture
- CHAPTER 6 — Visual Elements III: Kinematics
- CHAPTER 8 — Visual Principles
- CHAPTER 4 — Visual Elements I: Point, Line, Plane
- PART 2 — Viewport Visual Design
- CHAPTER 3 — The Future of Modeling
- CHAPTER 2 — Concepts of Modeling
- CHAPTER 1 — The History of Modeling
- PART 1 — Modeling Before and After the Computer
- foreWord
- CHAPTER 17 | Metaphors to Performance
- CHAPTER 16 | Metaphors to Cinema
- CHAPTER 15 | Metaphors to Photography
- CHAPTER 12 | Expressions of Material
- CHAPTER 11 | Polys and Subdivs and NURBS, oh my…
- CHAPTER 10 | Expressions of Geometry
- CHAPTER 9 | Expression, form, content, and narrative
- Category: Praxis
- Category: Projects
- Category: References