Hidden geometry

Hidden geometry
As you are now familiar with coordinate systems, structural geometries, and orthographic projection systems through your readings in parallelUniverses, let’s expand on those systems by seeing how they are expressed in a drawing. The samples below run across history, and are visual descriptions of such hidden geometries as the datum, various axes of symmetry, orthographic drawing, and systems for drawing irregular, curving forms.
Expressing a datum
The Axis Mundi we learned about above is the first example of a fanciful, metaphorical datum. A datum is an arbitrary but conventionally agreed-upon point of reference, something used as the basis for measure or calculation. Among many others, some historical expressions of a datum include:

Expressing axis of symmetry
One datum in particular that is often hidden but important to express is the axis of symmetry. The object you choose to model will likely contain an axis of symmetry or near-symmetry.
Bilateral symmetry
As we see da Vinci’s drawing of the Vitruvian Man above, humans along with many other living beings are biologically organized along an axis of bilateral symmetry. Many machines and architectural constructions also harbor bilateral axes of symmetry.

Radial symmetry
In the Villa Rotonda facade we see bilateral symmetry. In its floor plan, we see axes of symmetry in multiple directions, creating the condition of radial symmetry. Many types exist:

Self-similarity: symmetry in scale
When a part is similar to its whole, such an object exhibits self-similarity. It is a scalar complement to symmetry.

“Near” symmetry
Certain objects display a tendency toward symmetry. We may even recognize an axis, although it (or the object controlled by it) exhibits distortion.

Expressing coordinate systems
Orthographic and 3-view drawings
The orthographic 3-view drawing remains an important tool to visualize coordinate systems, even in a post-mechanical-drafting workflow. We’ll drill much deeper into orthographic projection in another chapter.
As a practical tool, it verifies that information seen in one coordinate view correlates with information seen in others, guaranteeing the precision of data.

Section drawings
If orthographic drawings show us the surface, sections oriented to particular coordinate planes will reveal the interior of the object: the topological division between the mass of the object and the void that surrounds it. Let’s explore Dürer’s head analysis visualizing formal slices, along with other examples.

Generating irregular form
Topographic lines
A topographic map uses a stack of horizontal sections: a regular division of elevation to describe the height of land above sea level. Think of the topographic levels as slicing planes parallel to the plane of sea level. This modulates an irregular surface, making it easy (ok, easier) to describe. Here are three topographic descriptions of the island of Hawaii for comparison, the bottom one interactive.

Animated SVG: drag or tap to turn
Boat lofting
Like topographic lines, the drafting technique of lofting can generate complex curving forms. Lofting is used in boat building to describe the streamlined shape of the hull. Usually, a profile was divided into 10 or so equal parts, creating a series of parallel sections that describe the shape of the hull. Because the boat is bilaterally symmetrical from the front coordinate orientation, you can see how the drawing is “halved” to describe the rear, then the front, of the boat. The deck plan is also a half-drawing, cut at the centerline as a datum.