Grid systems

grid systems

Digital Foundations

We’ll visit Digital Foundations Wiki again, where we’ll learn how to use the type tool, turn type into geometry, and work with precision guides.

Chapter 4

Visit the DF wiki and do the exercises in Chapter 4:

Make sure to find and download the sample file when you see a link with a name similar to Click here to download chapter X work files. If you have difficulty with the download, do the following in a Chrome browser:

  • Right-click the download link, and in the dropout menu select Save Link As…
  • Save this to a logical place like the Desktop or the Downloads folder.
  • At the upper right-hand corner of the Chrome window, see the following:

Select Keep then open the file, or unzip a compressed file.

Using the exercises

Remember these recommendations:

  • Read AND work at the same time!
  • Read slowly and carefully!
  • Save ALL the work you do!
  • Use Essentials Classic Workspace! The screen capture below shows where to find it.
  • Don’t use full-screen mode!
  • Yes, you can work multiple screens! But downloadables need to be on your software machine.