Gestalt praxis

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gestalt praxis

Digital Foundations

We’ll visit Digital Foundations Wiki again for an exercise that will use what we learned about Gestalt theory.

Chapter 3

Visit the DF wiki and do the exercises in Chapter 3:

Make sure to find and download the sample file when you see a link with a name similar to Click here to download chapter X work files. If you have difficulty with the download, do the following in a Chrome browser:

  • Right-click the download link, and in the dropout menu select Save Link As…
  • Save this to a logical place like the Desktop or the Downloads folder.
  • At the upper right-hand corner of the Chrome window, see the following:

Select Keep then open the file, or unzip a compressed file.

Using the exercises

Remember these recommendations:

  • Read AND work at the same time!
  • Read slowly and carefully!
  • Save ALL the work you do!
  • Use Essentials Classic Workspace! The screen capture below shows where to find it.
  • Don’t use full-screen mode!
  • Yes, you can work multiple screens! But downloadables need to be on your software machine.