
3 | concrete poetry


The notion that there are such folk as “digital natives” strikes us as kind of hollow, unless and until the “native” has learned the language of digital stuff: coding.

Coding is for many artists a bridge too far, yet we’d scoff at a printmaker who did not know enough chemistry to etch an intaglio plate. Embracing this 21st Century version of basic literacy is important, but not more important than using it to create meaningful work.

In this project, we’ll graduate from newbie to ninja in the realm of HTML5/CSS3/JS website creation.

Bruce Nauman,
The true artist helps the world by revealing mystic truths, 1967


After completing this project you will be able to:

  • understand and react critically to the history and current state of interactive multimedia
  • search and explore online media assets that employ metaphor
  • develop HTML documents, links and subdirectories using DreamWeaver:
    • create a website with curated content
    • use CSS to create an aesthetic of forgery
    • deploy simple Javascript to create an aesthetic of unexpected interactivity
    • work in a team to develop an art website linked across multiple servers