


In the Infinitely Indestructible Object project by williamCromar, interactivity stops when the eye is tapped or clicked by a hammer controlled by the spectator, then started again when the key is activated in the same way.

Built in Flash/ActionScript3 in 2010, the SWF original was exported as an HTML5 iteration using Google Swiffy in 2013. With the obsolescence of Flash and the demise of Swiffy, a third iteration, Infinitely Indestructible Object 2018, has been built from the ground up for HTML/CSS/JS in Animate CC.

These three iterations mirror the fate of the work that inspired it, a work by Dada/Surrealist artist Man Ray, which itself was a series of iterations:

  • Object to Be Destroyed, 1923 original
  • Object of Destruction, 1932 copy
  • Indestructible Object, 1958 edition

Although Man Ray’s concept remains indestructible, we come to understand that both physical and digital expressions of this work are indeed rather ephemeral!

In your creative project, you’ll create a similar kind of interactivity within your own unique narrative.

williamCromar, Infinitely Indestructible Object, 2018 version


After completing this project you will be able to:

  • understand the historical importance of the death of Flash and the rise of HTML5/CSS3/JS-based interactives
  • use a flip-book app to discover the basic phenomenology of animation
  • visualize time to create animated rhythmic abstractions
  • employ formal principles of repetition, symmetry, asymmetry, balance, rhythm and contrasts of scale, color and value to manipulate the formal element of time
  • add a code script to animation to achieve interactivity
  • learn to decipher code through analysis of examples, and modify variables within a code to achieve a unique work of interactive art