

Praxis 5 | synthesis A working definition Various dictionary definitions of the word synthesis include the following: An artist can understand all of these to be variations on their process: the ability to combine things in new and different ways to create entirely new things. This requires an artist to think flexibly, explore alternatives, and… read more »

Possible World I: environment

3D modeling 4 | environments possible world I Create a possible world By drawing a slightly different image in front of each eye, the image can be made three-dimensional. By changing the image seventy-two times a second, it can be made to move. By drawing the moving three-dimensional image at a resolution of 2K pixels… read more »

3D printing

Fabbing 3D | plane > volume 3D printing 3D printer safety training MakerSpace Visit the MakerSpace website here. General shop safety forms If you missed an opportunity for general safety training, go here to catch up. Equipment-specific safety forms Equipment-specific forms are here: Hello Prusa Safety training step-by-step After training: safety resources Follow up your training… read more »

Exquisite Corpse: Round robin

2D digital art 4 | corpse round robin View example directory here The power (and pain) of collaboration We learned about Photoshop in the exercises. Now we will learn about using the cloud to collectively create an Exquisite Corpse round-robin collaboration. Take a look at the example directory linked at the top of this title…. read more »

Mandala of the Elements

2D digital art 3 | mandala the elements Download advanced tools demo here Download mandala template here Advanced tools demo Before you start your project, let’s review what you know about Illustrator. If you’ve come this far you know how to: You can do a lot with Illustrator! But that list is maybe 3% of… read more »

3D modeling: Fabrication

3D modeling 3 | elements fabrication Download demo file here Digital fabrication: 3D printing your Maya object Digital fabrication is a blanket term for a lot of processes, from laser cutting to CNC routing to 3D printing to robotic welding. Regardless of whether your process is subtractive like a milling machine or additive like 3D… read more »

Looking glass

3D modeling 3 | elements looking glass Download the demo file here Through the Looking Glass In another moment Alice was through the glass, and had jumped lightly down into the Looking-glass room. The very first thing she did was to look whether there was a fire in the fireplace, and she was quite pleased… read more »


3D modeling 2 | essentials mondrianimation Download demo file here Animate a Mondrian The goal of this project is to synthesize your knowledge of visual principles and elements, animation principles, the formal vocabulary and aesthetic motivations of De Stijl, and software. The objective is to create mass and void relationships inspired by your interpretation of a… read more »

Laser fabrication

Fabbing 2D-3D | line > plane laser fabrication Laser cutter and engraver safety training MakerSpace Visit the MakerSpace website here. General shop safety forms If you missed an opportunity for general safety training, go here to catch up. Equipment-specific safety forms Equipment-specific forms are here: Hello Laser Safety training step by step After training: safety… read more »

Topological transformations

Fabbing 2D-3D | line > plane topo transform Download demo file here Introduction: topological transformations The goal of this work is to generate a topologically transformed object of your choice. The transformation occurs when we intersect the object with a series of stacking slicing layers or a modulated egg-crate system. Where the surface of the… read more »
