Scotland: Day 5: Dundee: Debut at Being Human Festival
Saturday 19 Nov: Our post-diluvian presentation I wake up after a much more restful sleep than the previous night and do a bit of “sink laundry” before heading down to breakfast. Today: a salmon omelette with haggis balls. It’s my new favorite. Today is our big day: the debut at the Being Human Festival. There’s…
Scotland: Day 3: Dundee: Dreich but delightful
Thursday 17 Nov: My second birthday celebration in Scotland! I wake up refreshed in spite of the fiasco that met our arrival. I’ve been looking forward to a traditional UK breakfast and I know that the Apex City Quay does not disappoint. For those who don’t know, the British breakfast is a belly buster: eggs,…
Scotland: Day 1 and 2: Dundee: Delay…
Tuesday 15 Nov: Calm before the storm Waiting to board our flight at Newark Liberty International As we head off from Abington College campus on an over-large bus (more on this later), I have to pinch myself. This day has been so long in the planning and so often delayed by COVID that it’s hard…