Bonars in the 1696 Poll Book: a deeper understanding of Janet’s origins?
I received an interesting message from Jessica McDonald in Canada a couple of weeks ago, detailing an analysis she and her mother Wendy Cromar Mathers had performed on the List of Pollable Persons Within the Shire of Aberdeen 1696, presented in Volume 1 and Volume 2. This important record is available free of charge at…
Peter Cromar 1690: parallel universes
I’ve completed the chronicle of our study abroad trip to Scotland, a journey that gave me the opportunity to see the Kirkton of Aboyne burial ground and close the circle for my family by burying a lock of my father’s hair at the head of slab stone for our progenitor, Peter Cromar. A lock of…
Janet Bonar, c. 1695-1789?
AUTHOR’S NOTE: New information and research has invalidated conclusions about Janet’s origins detailed in the following post. You may read about this development at Bonars in the 1696 Poll Book: a deeper understanding of Janet’s origins? Because this journal is about the real-time process of researching and developing a family history hypothesis, and not the hypothesis itself, I have…
The Janets, Dun and Bonar: on wives of the Jacobite period and gender bias in genealogy
I’ve mentioned how the family historian Martin Robb has inspired this journal. He and I have corresponded about the possible association we may have as cousins-X-times-removed through my patrilineal great-grandmother Christiana Berry Robb, and I can only hope my writing is a fraction as insightful as his in my investigations in future posts. Using family…